Our Top Services
We’re the Best in the Biz!
We’re a full service supply company that makes sure our clients are always at the top of our list of priorities. Our products come in a variety of different forms depending on your requirements. Let us know what it is you need exactly and where you’re located, and we’ll get the job done. We are a top supplier, and we intend to remain that way.
Delivery & Distribution
Guaranteed Quality
We make sure our clients are always happy with our products and services. As experts in Delivery & Distribution since 1986, Sajid Enterprises guarantees our clients receive only the best quality goods. If for some reason you feel that we could have done a better job at it, contact us immediately and we’ll help you out.
We offer next day delivery in Multan region. ( Delivery charges applicable )
Next day deliveries are only possible if orders are placed before 2:00pm and if stocks allow.
Food Quality Assurance Testing
Your Trusted Professionals
Looking for a particular food product?  Our workers here at Sajid Enterprises are experts at Food Quality Assurance Testing and will guarantee to deliver whatever you need. Contact us to see how we can assist you - you’ll be amazed at how quickly we get things done. Give us a call today!